Friday, December 31, 2010

the three dreams

The Three Dreams

It was just another black-crazed night, one of so many
To you it might’ve been just another one of plenty
The moon as always was there silver, fat and brooding
A witness with no voice to scold or hinder my dreaming.

It was once on a night, not so unlike tonight’s darkness.
When? My fragile mind has no reply, leashed with blindness.
As always is, my dreams were unabashed and uncertain
Hiding my wretched nightmares, like supple velvet curtains.

Firstly, of the three, there was a girl with a certain affliction
Words, she uttered with terrifying and vulgar diction.
Tourette’s, her syndrome, the reason for her swearing
Believe me, it’s the awful truth, to lie would be sinning.

I pleaded and implored “Talk dirty to me, my darling.”
Hissing she says “You’re just a piece of shit! I’m farting!!!
Other words that come out of her mouth are just plain scary
As she proceeds to curse with increasing vulgarity.

I wake from this dream, full of thuds and fears in my bosom
I lie there on my bed, mind unfit to think and blossom.
My breaths they calm, as I listen to the eerie night’s silence
Falling down sleep’s abyss, another dream soon to commence.

The next of the surging dreams that plagued me that far-off night
Was to come, as I slumbered, not far from my first fright.
Wisely I figured, silly it was to dream this very next vision,
But at times dreams are in flames before control takes fruition.

The scene was one of those, one might see in slow motion
Before me, twins of beauty, of Siamese persuasion.
“Join us”, did they beckon? Or was it just something I coined?
Bewildered, I question “Aren’t you already conjoined?

As swift as the violent stroke of a knight’s sharpened sabre
Said dream that drove my mind into confusion was over.
My eyes once more opened into the darkness of the hour
Once more awaiting precious sleep to come, as I cower.

The last and the third of the dreams that icy, restless eve
Was to come in a moment, chances far-gone to hide and grieve.
Truly it was, the most intriguing of the cursed three
About a girl of short stature and a hunch on her back, you see.

The reason why this sprung into my asleep yet lively brain
I’m unsure, I confess without deceit, I mean, what’s to gain?
I knew not then, why this was the most troubling and creepy?
Was it when she said? “I’m a midget and hunchback. Use me!”

In my trembling voice, I ask her, “What do you ever mean?
She just winked as her slitted eyes turned from crimson to green.
I said without any shame or thoughts of my psyche’s well being
“Why don’t you lie there on the floor for the time being.

She smiled her crooked smile, teeth as crooked as her lips
As she eased herself down on the vinyl, quick as a whip.
Then she questioned, “What are you going to do?” in a squeak.
Answer I did “Be patient, oh hunchback and midget freak”.

“I shall put on some music, something I know you will love,
A tune of old, in an era when tears fell from a dove.
As I carry out my plan to make you beg and feel dizzy,
Relax, my dear hunchback, it’s going to be a beauty.”

The recording I had chosen was within easy reach,
Next to the record which held the sonnet “Papa Don’t Preach”.
I played it loud its’ inspiring and melodious sound
A song with a chorus “You spin me right round, baby, right round.”

I watched and enjoyed it, her spinning, spinning on the floor
As she kept begging with each twirl and spin “Yes! More, more, more!
Of this elated bliss little could she could take, I assumed
Vertigo stemmed it, yet my hunger was still not consumed.

As this all unfolded I knew in my secluded heart
It would be the last I dream of her, we were soon to part.
It broke me, crumbling my mortared soul into shards and pieces.
As she stood up from the floor, my wondrous joy fades then ceases.

She whispered softly “Well, that was definitely most fun
Forgive me I’ve got to leave you now. I really must run.
I must fly to my beloved, my prince, who deals with gore
A slave in Frankenstein’s castle, my dear beloved Igor. “

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